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Extracurricular day care and school canteen

Extracurricular daycare

Garderie périscolaire de la ville de Descartes

The daycare welcomes children every school day.

Enrolment in the after-school childcare centres is done at the Town Hall.
?? Be carrefule, the re-registration is not automatic.


  • Enrolment at the after-school care centre of the Balesmes Primary School
  • Enrolement at the Garderie Périscolaire of the Côte des Granges school group

The form is to be returned to the reception of the town hall or to

The rules of procedure will be updated shortly

Extracurricular daycare
Rue Saint Roch

?? +33 2 47 59 72 33



The school canteen

Cantine Scolaire de Descartes

The catering company SOGÉRÈS provides about 250 covers for the 3 municipal schools (La Côte des Granges, Balesmes and Louis Lefé Sainte Marie).

Every two months, the menus are submitted for approval to the school board, in which the municipality, the Sogérès company, their dietary service, parents' representatives and canteen service agents participate. The menus are prepared with the utmost respect for dietetics and quality products.


Enrolement to the school canteen

Please, return the registration form to the reception of the town hall or to the following address:

The rules of procedure of the canteen are available here here


Menus of the week

The menus of your school canteen can be accessed on the following portal from a smartphone, an i phone or from a computer. Simply download the application via the link above and create your account (you can do this even if you do not have students eating in the canteen).


How to pay your invoice to Sogeres

To follow the payment process: click here or connect directly on the Sogérès website

© Site de la Mairie de Descartes - Hôtel de Ville - Place de l'Hôtel de Ville - 37160 DESCARTES - Tél - Fax 02 47 59 72 20 - Nous contacter
Du Lundi au Jeudi de 8h30 à 12h 00 et de 13h30 à 17h 00 - le Vendredi de 8h30 à 12h et de 13h 00 à 16h30

Mentions légales - Données personnelles - imagidee 2017